about me pic

about me

Hi everyone! My name is Chelsea Hood, and I own Baked By The Hoods. I originally came up with the idea of Baked By The Hoods with my sister, Alex. One of our fondest memories was rushing home after school to bake cakes. The joy and creativity baking has brought me are truly unmatched. I never stop learning; I continue to grow my craft by taking classes and practicing new techniques.

While I provide a variety of treats and will continue to provide you with the best-baked goods, I aim to shift my business to wedding cakes. I've always had a love for weddings since I was a young girl. Whenever I deliver a wedding cake, I think to myself, "Girl, you did that!" This further validates that Baked By The Hoods is more than a job, it's my passion.

I look forward to baking for you all in the future.